CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 35: Stripped of excess

So we have been billing our little vessel as “the world’s most technologically advanced rowboat.” Although our hull is no longer made of the latest materials and designs, we have a glut of fancy/awesome electronics that – a la our power situation (hopefully resolved now) – we have been struggling to keep working… Prognosis: optimistic. […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Too Cool For Ocean Rowing

Let’s start with the term “technologically advanced rowboat.” I think that might sum up the point I’m trying to make. As cool as I may think all of this is, I still think the term and the idea sound pretty silly. The more I meditated on this yesterday, the idea of mixing old and new technologies […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 31: Dark Times

It was the beginning of another day on the JRH. By that, I mean it was the middle of a four-hour row shift and I felt on the verge of collapse in my seat while waiting to cry, fall off my seat, or slam my shin with the oar. It’s hard to tell when one […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 28: And then there were four

I had just put in my ear plugs. These and a bandanna wrapped about my eyes have been the best way I can find sleep out here and I was feeling like this was going to be a good one. I sighed and settled into the constant roll of the boat that, although no longer […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 26: Need it or want it?

[Great news! Clouds have cleared an given the crew enough solar energy to get a few new blogs out. No new pictures yet, so we’ll supplement from Erinn Hale’s pictures from Dakar. Here’s one about power rationing and oar breakage. -Greg] Conservation. What does that word mean? A lot of things to a lot of […]