Data plots, CWF Africa to the Americas 2013

Below are time-series plots of some of the data coming from the James Robert Hanssen in the North Atlantic Ocean. The plots are updated approximately every hour. The horizontal axis is time, with markers at midnight starting each day/date and the vertical axes are in units for that parameter.

These plots are NOT properly decimated in time. During the period of approximately Feb 10 to 25, the data from the boat was not arriving ashore. Additionally, the clock which is tracking time for these data was reset when power came after some long periods of being off. Therefore, it appears that there are two sets of data in a single time element. We will reconstruct the data files for these plots soon with a more accurate time basis. Also, this data may be available for viewing with Tableau Public v8, in the near future.

Next to the title of each plot are buttons that allow you to download that plot in either .png or .svg formats. If you use these graphics anywhere, please attribute them to “OAR Northwest, CWF Africa to the Americas 2013.” If you have questions, please put them in the comment box below and we’ll try to answer them.

Atmospheric Pressure .svg_file .png_file

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Atmospheric Temperature .svg_file .png_file

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Ocean Temperature .svg_file .png_file

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Ocean Salinity .svg_file .png_file

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Ocean pH .svg_file .png_file

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