CWF Africa to the Americas

Too Cool For Ocean Rowing

first hair combing in a month
Jordan pulls his best hipster ocean rowing look… really?

Let’s start with the term “technologically advanced rowboat.” I think that might sum up the point I’m trying to make.

As cool as I may think all of this is, I still think the term and the idea sound pretty silly. The more I meditated on this yesterday, the idea of mixing old and new technologies got me thinking of hipsters, and very quickly I found a lot more similarities between ocean rowers and this urban native.

Like a lot of hipsters we have tattoos – only ½ per rower, but its a start. Our mustaches are working on, and will reach epic level by the time we land in Miami. After 5 weeks at sea, our clothes look like they came from the giveaway bin at a thrift store.  By the time we land we may be mistaken for homeless people. All our food is organic and our tea and coffee is world-class. We are so tired that we seem indifferent… “Meh, that wasnt a big wave, you should have seen the waves on the North Atlantic.” And to top it all off, after we land we can say snarky things like “You haven’t really ‘seen’ the ocean unless you have rowed it…. Then again, just by writing this blog it’s already not cool.

Oh well.  Time to row again.