CWF Salish Sea Expedition Uncategorized

Earth Day Message from CWF

How many researchers have been able to gather ocean science data by the way of human power?  It doesn’t get greener than that!

CWF Salish Sea Expedition Launching from Vancouver
CWF Salish Sea Expedition Launching from Vancouver

This Earth Day, I ask you all to take a moment to reflect on the importance of the Canadian Wildlife Federation Salish Sea Expedition. Five rowers, three weeks, 1,200 kilometers of open water! We have so much to learn from this expedition. We are the stewards of a most precious resource –  water – which means life to just about every creature on Earth. Yet, it may be the resource we take most for granted. As our demand for water increases, drought, pollution, and the declining water table shrink our supply of this critical resource and threaten the habitat of mink, herons, dragonflies, and countless other wildlife species.

The OAR Northwest team is conducting critical research. As they row around Vancouver Island, they are testing water quality, they are hoping to record marine mammal vocalizations, they are even cleaning up trash dumped in the sea!

I am extremely proud of the OAR Northwest crew for their commitment to rowing for research, for their dedication to youth, for their positive spirits, their energy and determination. It is an honour for the Canadian Wildlife Federation to support this expedition. I thank all involved, and challenge everyone to do their part for our wild species and spaces.

Wade Luzny, CEO Executive Vice-President, Canadian Wildlife Federation.