Day - Isolated Showers

October 6th Forecast

Current Conditions:
A shortwave trough is moving into the region tonight, which should result in increased mid-level cloudiness. Temperatures are forecast to remain the 40s throughout the evening. Winds are currently from the southwest ranging from 5-10 mph. There is a chance of light rain tonight, so be on the lookout.

Short term forecast:
While conditions look cloudy for tonight, expect them to begin to improve on Tuesday morning. The forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday looks similar. Some clouds are likely, especially during the morning hours. Temperatures are likely to be in the upper 50s to lower 60s. The surface winds are expected to become westerly up until Thursday, still at about 5-10 mph. Very little chance of precipitation to occur in the next 48 hours (except tonight).

Long term forecast:
A bit of a tougher call for Thursday’s weather. After some browsing around it seems there’s some good consensus for a high pressure to begin developing over the Midwest mid week, which should bring nicer weather. However, it seems like some pretty moist air might get advected into the region, which could lead to some cloudiness during the day on Thursday. If it’s cloudier than expected, then the daytime temperatures will be in the mid 50’s and nighttime temperatures will stay in the mid to upper 30s. If conditions are clear expect a crisp evening with likely formation of frost. Once the high pressure settles in on Friday then you can expect a nice sunny day with temperatures in the mid 50s and a chilly evening in the low to mid 30s. Wind conditions are expected to change from westerly to northwesterly on Thursday, and then to northerly on Thursday evening to Friday, ranging from 5 to 10 mph.

Evening Monday, October 6
Low: lower 40s
SW 5-10 mph
Chance of light rain (drizzle). Cloudiness should be maximum in the later hours of the evening as the trough passes by.

Tuesday, October 7
Highs: upper 50s to lower 60s
Lows: upper 30s to lower 40s
W 5-10 mph
Some clouds might persist until later in the day.

Wednesday, October 8
Highs: upper 50s to lower 60s
Lows: lower 50s
W winds at 5-10 mph
Similar to Tuesday.

Thursday, October 9
Highs: mid to upper 50s
Lows: mid 30s
NW winds at 5-10 mph
Might be pretty cloudy during the day. Nighttime temperatures expected to be in the mid 30s. Expect frost if the night is clear. Can get even colder at certain locations.

Friday, October 9
Highs: mid 50s
Lows: low to mid 30s
N winds at 5-10 mph
Conditions should be clear, higher chance of frost during the evening.

Forecaster Adames

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