Night - Rain

Forecast: Rain and wind tonight

Current conditions:
Partly cloudy with temperatures around 80. Winds are slightly stiff from the south at 10-15 mph, gusting over 20. It’s currently dry near St Louis, however scattered showers are approaching from the northwest.

Short-term Forecast:
A cold front will pass through the region tonight, bringing potentially gusty winds, along with clouds and rain. Most of the rain should occur overnight, though there could be showers into the morning. With the front, winds will shift from southerly to west or northwesterly, bringing cooler temperatures.

Long-term Forecast:
Behind the cold front, surface high pressure will build in, bringing lighter winds and clearer, albeit cooler, conditions. By Thursday, another small surface low may bring clouds and showers. Clear conditions should prevail again by Friday.

Monday, Oct. 27:
High: low 80s
Low: mid-50s
Wind: From the south at about 15 mph, gusting over 20 mph.
Clouds should increase through the evening with a chance for a stray shower. The rain associated with the cold front should begin late in the evening and continue overnight. The heaviest rain should occur between 1 and 5 AM with accumulations around a quarter to half an inch. Winds will shift to the northwest and slacken after the front passes.

Tuesday, Oct. 28:
High: near 60
Low: low to mid-40s
Wind: 5-10 mph from the northwest
Cloudy in the morning with occasional showers, clearing throughout the day.

Wednesday, Oct. 29:
High: near 60
Low: upper-30s to low 40s.
Wind: light from the NW, becoming calm overnight.
Clear and calm conditions will allow the temperature to drop rapidly overnight, and there is a slight chance of frost by morning.

Thursday, Oct. 30:
High: low to mid-60s
Low: low to mid-40s
Wind: 5-10 mph, shifting from SW to NW
Slight chance of rain associated with a shortwave trough. Accumulations should be less than a tenth of an inch.

Friday, Oct. 31:
High: mid-50s
Low: low 30s
Wind: 5-10 mph from the NW, shifting to the NE
Boo! Clear conditions again allow the temperature to drop quickly overnight. Some frost is possible, spooky!

Forecasters Spevacek and Picard

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