Photo: Erinn J Hale Photography
Rowing expeditions, adventure education programs and research are central to OAR Northwest’s mission. Follow us.
What’s it like to live 24 hours a day and less than 24 inches from the surface of the ocean? OAR Northwest team members bring you there…and beyond. Voyaging into open water on a specialized 29-foot rowing boat specifically designed to withstand the North Atlantic, forces crew members to break most social norms. Crossing an ocean in a rowboat without support: crazy.
Many collegiate rowers, elementary school children, and company executives ask a familiar question: “How can you do that?” OAR Northwest expedition teams row a vessel with equipment which can withstand a 40 foot wave, create electricity, desalinate water, stow 1000 pounds of food, collect and store oceanographic data, and communicate with anyone on Earth.
Ship’s Log: July 26, 2006, mile 3001 It is hard because we are tired. It is hard because we miss those we love. It is hard because being on a boat with four guys is difficult. It is easy to get caught up in home, but we must feast instead upon the present and remember each dolphin. We must remember the camaraderie that only comes through working toward a single goal. – Jordan Hanssen