Welcome to the OAR Northwest Education Modules
There will be four modules that will be available for download. The four modules will cover four topics: the Boat, History, Ocean Science, and the Body. Each of these modules will be two weeks in length and consist of a Trail Report (link to page after published) and two lab activities. The labs will be delivered on Mondays. These labs will consist of topics that are congruent with the expedition experiences. Along with the lab that is delivered each Monday, each day will consist of an update from the crew and a brief article that addresses a relevant topic to both the expedition and the current module.
Click on the links below to go to each Module.
We would love to see pictures or videos of you and your students engaged in the activities. If you have any questions or comments please use the comment section at the bottom of the page. Questions for the crew can also be directed here. You can also contact us at education@oarnorthwest.com.