Daily Updates

Daily Education Update 1.4 Time

Week 1: Module1: 2/1/13 What time is it where you are, and what time zone are you in? How about where the JRH is? How do you know when you enter a new time zone if there isn’t a handy sign on the side of the road telling you? Simple I just look at my […]

Daily Updates

Daily Education Update 1.3 Rowing

Week 1: Module 1: Date 1/31/13 How does one exactly row an ocean rowboat? I mean you just stick the oar in the water and push, right? or is it pull? Why am I facing backward? Help! I can’t see where I am going!!

Daily Updates

Daily Update 1.2 Self-righting boat

Week 1: Module1: 1/30/13 Yesterday we heard from the crew about some big swells so what happens if the JRH flips over, or capsizes as it is referred to in the nautical world? Does it look like this? Thanks to some really cool innovations it does not! In fact the JRH is self-righting! Self-righting what does that […]

Daily Updates

Daily Update 1.1 – Sea anchor

Daily Update Week 1: Module1: Tuesday January 29, 2013 Last night they were black lumps, the crashing the splashing each wave brining a smell of marine warmth.  Adam and i rowed at midnight.  two hours into a four hour shift.  We ride into the beam (side) of the waves, by far the most uncomfortable.  We […]

Expedition Reports

Expedition Report #1