CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 30: A day in the life on board the ‘James Robert Hanssen’

It’s hard to describe as sometimes a day feels like a week and a week feels like a day. Even though our days are strictly managed with a business calendar on smart phones, with alarms going off every hour, time still seems to evade us. I’m much more in touch with the cycles of the […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Tears of thought, change, joy, gratitude

I’ve been crying a lot out here on this big blue ocean, I’d assume you would have a lot of guesses why, I’m not usually the type to show much emotion, I’d be curious to know if you would come close, You could think my tears are due to the acidity levels of our Oceans […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 13: Land at sea – transiting the Cape Verde Islands

I saw land for the first time in 10 days last night, or at least I think I did in the form of a few lights to our north. It’s interesting to be rowing right through the middle of these islands and yet have no sight of land, even in the middle of the day the […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

What about the pirates?

“What about the pirates? The war, disease, and AIDS?” These were common questions that were asked of us when we spoke of traveling to Senegal, which apparently has had the misfortune of being located somewhere in Africa. Contrary to popular western beliefs, Africa is indeed much more than a continent filled with hunger, child soldiers, poverty, and thieves. Unfortunately, this […]