CWF Africa to the Americas

Other Great Expeditions

The James Robert Hanssen trucks out of Seattle tomorrow, bound for Senegal. After applying the shrink-wrap hug into the wee hours of Monday morning, we’ve all had a brief opportunity to do this:    …    …    yup, a whole lotta nothing!  Well, at least a whole lot of other stuff NOT related to a […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Juggling & Ocean Rowing

Expedition planning is what you do when dreaming of the reward.  It’s somewhat masochistic at times, what with the staying up late beating your head against the keyboard, showering the fiberglass off your body as best you can, needing the boat in 3 places at once to finalize upgrades.  All of this hand wringing suddenly […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Boats Afloat Show starts today!

The James Robert Hanssen is on display all week long, and through the weekend in Seattle’s South Lake Union.  Come on down between September 12th-16th to see the completely renovated ocean rowboat that is rowing across the Atlantic Ocean in December 2012’s CWF Africa to the Americas expedition.  We’ll have rowers Jordan & Pat, as well as […]

CWF Salish Sea Expedition Uncategorized

An Ocean Rower’s Day

We have been getting lots of questions via direct message and from people on the street during layovers about the average day on an ocean rowboat.  I thought I’d take a moment to paint that picture, and see if we have any aspiring adventurers out there. Sleep/Wake Cycle: Traditional cycles are row 2 hours, rest […]

CWF Salish Sea Expedition Uncategorized

Stiff Headwinds Prevent Progress

We awakened at 6:30am Wednesday morning to a stiffer breeze than usual, and rain that had fallen all night had not just persisted, but became more heavy.  After a hardy breakfast of oats, quinoa & spices with Spam, we packed the JRH in anticipation of launch within the hour.  We were leaving Hot Springs Cove […]