CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 54: Misery can be a valuable teacher

[Excerpt from Adam’s diary after 3 weeks of storms, two broken oars, and a shorted wind generator. Cold, wet and slow, the crew morale was at an all-time low. Weather changed two days later, bringing a much needed infusion of hope.] It amazes me how much time I spend on this boat thinking about the […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 46: 40 more days?!?

We’re officially across the ½-way point, but have very difficult weather on the horizon for the next several days. Angie Pendergrass and the UW Meteorological team are forecasting heavy westerlies (headwind) against big westerly swells. Overcast skies are limiting battery charge. While we want to go west toward Miami, the ocean and the weather are […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 38: What we eat

The first two questions people ask us are: 1) “Are you crazy?” 2) “Where do you go to the bathroom?” The third? “So what the heck do you guys eat out there?!” Our menu took us two months of planning to allocate proper nutrition and caloric intake for this Atlantic journey. Here’s what’s cookin’ …

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 37: Still are the Ocean

Going out on long journeys with monotonous physical activity is a wonderful meditation and very peace-giving. Sure, there is the odd scary bit where your adrenal glands fire, oars break and you experience extreme stress. The reward of pushing through the extreme, though, is a meditative, physical presence – A connective existence that is simple, […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Tooth Story: Adam breaks a molar

A week and a half ago, I sent a message to Greg at OAR Northwest Mission Control that I had chipped my tooth. When you’re at least 1,000 nautical miles from land, this has the potential to be anything from a slight nuisance to a serious medical emergency. Luckily, Greg’s dad is a dentist so […]