CWF Africa to the Americas

Staying fit, dodging urchins

Jordan offshore... no boat!
Exploring Dakar’s marine ecosystem, beard as trusty flotation device

Dec 9 — Not a lot happened today.  There was some relaxing, some slinging, and a lot of reading.

Late in the afternoon Pat did some calisthenics, Markus went for a run, and I decided just before sundown to go for a swim around the sea-facing side of the island.

Swimming through a school of silver fish

I entered the water on the  back side through a school of silver fish and rounded the rocks to get past the breakers.  Not going to lie, I lost a little nerve when I saw rocks below the surface carpeted with urchins.

Urchins urge ‘Dr.’ Markus Pukonen toward his first victim… stay tuned!

Still not entirely familiar with the currents, and not wanting to take a ride on some random current away from shore, I balanced swimming as close to the island as I could without getting dashed against the rocks and into the multitudes of spiky sea beasts.  It made for a very slow and shallow breast stroke that inexorably got me around the small island a few minutes after the last surfer of the day was leaving the water.  Not having been this far out without a surfboard, I could not quite tell how much further I should go out past the surf before I swam in.  I guessed wrong and got a few urchins in the thumb.  Minor wounds compared with some at the surf campers, but enough for me to channel “water bug” to the stairs.  I looked out at the calm landward side of the island and the pirogues criss-crossing the shallow bay in the early twilight and decided this workout has been exciting enough without dodging boats in a dark wet suit and made my way back across the island’s thankfully less eventful pathways.