CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 51: At night, a brain unbridled

jet lag
Jordan’s ocean rowing jet lagged thoughts

Days of sea anchor… Nighttime rowing… Nighttime philosophy… Ocean rower’s jetlag.

Beneath starry skies on a moonless night, the waves seem to me as if the cortex of my brain had become flattened and unraveled. No longer a mass of critical thinking, but a pelagic soup, as thoughts float freely and unbound to any logic. The silly and the profound mix with my vivid memories of childhood and more recent past. Tenuous connections become strong, and my mind revels in most excellent nonsense. I breath, hoping I can take these thoughts with me. Most are will never even make it out of the cabin. Wakeful dreams in a real world… but one so unfamiliar, even though I have been here before.

A conclusion here? No, nor I think one needed. Just this place for us we get to see because we are here, this strange playground for our brains.