We’re officially across the ½-way point, but have very difficult weather on the horizon for the next several days. Angie Pendergrass and the UW Meteorological team are forecasting heavy westerlies (headwind) against big westerly swells. Overcast skies are limiting battery charge. While we want to go west toward Miami, the ocean and the weather are only letting us north. Still so far away, that’s okay for now… but how long?
Recently, I have been coming to terms with how unbelievably crazy it is to row across the ocean.
Maybe it’s my survival instinct kicking in, or maybe my common sense is finally kicking in because I am about to have my second child. My thought process goes something like this:
“I’m rowing. Yep. Blade in. Lock. Pull. Blade out. I’m rowing. WAIT. WHAT THE…??? I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKIN’ OCEAN! This is insane. I am weeks from anywhere. Am I crazy? I cant wait to get to land. I cant wait to see my family. That’s 40 days away! Maybe more!! Well… I’m still rowing. Sigh. Blade in. Lock. Pull. Blade out. Yep. I’m still rowing. Blade in. Lock. Pull. Blade out…”