CWF Africa to the Americas

Tears of thought, change, joy, gratitude

Markus in Dakar, connecting with the Ocean the best way he knows how (scroll down for a surfing slideshow)

I’ve been crying a lot out here on this big blue ocean,
I’d assume you would have a lot of guesses why,
I’m not usually the type to show much emotion,
I’d be curious to know if you would come close,
You could think my tears are due to the acidity levels of our Oceans rising,
Or humans pursuing unsustainable growth without realizing,
The huge impact a small change in our habits can have,
You could think that my tears are due to all the microscopic plastic competing with plankton,
All the waste, the oil, the toxins, the noise,
The pollution disrupting a fine balance,
You could think that my tears are due to the lack of action and courage from our world’s leaders to bring about real change, to stand up for our environment, our lives,
But you would think wrong, not that I don’t care,
but because I believe a better future is possible and will come,
You could think my tears are from the pain and suffering that I’m enduring while rowing 12 hours a day with horrific salt sores on my bum, or the soreness of my muscles and the sheer exhaustion of my body,
You could think my tears are from the fact that my sister reminded me that I’m rowing across the Ocean where my mother’s ashes were thrown when I was a young boy, those tears did fall once, and with an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion,
But that’s not why I’m crying most days,

Markus, Pat and Jordan with students from the Halwar School in Dakar – one of whom demonstrating some sick conch skills!

I’m shedding tears because of an inexplicable feeling that swells within me,
Something quite magical, surreal, overwhelming and likely only felt at sea,
I’m shedding tears as I’m following my dreams and everything feels perfect,
The exhaustion, the pain, the mental strain, I take in stroke,
Nothing seems too much for me now as I’m filled with stoke,
I’m shedding tears for all the love and support that I’m getting,
My friends, family, people I have just met, school kids,
Thank you for everything you have done and all I have become,
I owe it to you,
For if you were not reading this, I’d likely not be doing this,
And perhaps I wouldn’t have a smile on my face when I cry.
Yours with gratitude,
Teary eyed Markus

Pictures of Markus and one of our Ngor Surf Camp buddies, riding the “Endless Summer” waves (Click a photo for the slideshow, use arrows to go left/right).