[Jordan sent this in yesterday, his own opportunity to tell the story of the dolphin stampede instead of my game of telephone to you.]
I thought that six years ago on the North Atlantic it would be my first and last time to see one.
They came in the morning – playful bodies, light brown and some speckled, travelling in sets of twos and threes and fives, breaking the surface with a hiss and an intake of air. Then another set. To starboard. More to bow… Much more to bow. Much, much more to bow. Now they jump. Flips. 360’s. A rodeo flip! Dolphins just appear to live as if they are having the most fun they possibly can with each breath.
#7 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
They speak, and we can hear them from above the water.
Listen in on these recorded dolphin conversations….
— How many do you hear in each recording?
— Could the same dolphin make all these sounds, or are these individuals?
— What is echolocation, and what similar system have humans developed?
#1 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
#5 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
#8 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
#17 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
#22 – everythingdolphins.com/SoundsPG.htm
I wonder if they hear us? Are they just as curious about us? Left and right they zip under us and around and for almost ten minutes. They roll past like some aquatic Mardi Gras parade on a Fat Tuesday that never seems to end.