CWF Salish Sea Expedition Uncategorized

Fun and Fundraising at the Atlantic Crossing

Join six ocean rowers at OAR Northwest’s favorite expedition staging grounds, Seattle’s own Atlantic Crossing:

Proprietor, publican, and friend Gareth poses with the sweet bike to be raffled off at 11pm on Thursday!

Jordan Hanssen, Adam Kreek, Dylan LeValley, Greg Spooner, Richard Tarbill, and Brad Vickers.


If one is ten times more likely to meet someone who has climbed Mount Everest than an ocean rower, your probability figures will rock the charts in meeting six ocean rowers on Thursday night.

Fun: Stick six ocean rowers on pub stools and ask them to stay there for one week, and you’ll discover the definition of having fun on small confined places.  Ask them to party on the same stools for one evening, and we have one rip-roaring event.

Ask others at this Atlantic Crossing party to support the rowers future expeditions and education programs, supporting young Washington State students engaging with, learning from and following these ocean rowers, and we get one amazingly successful fundraiser.

Raffles, silent auctions and the potential sale of our first boat, trailer and motor donated to OAR Northwest will be available.  Help us tip the scales in OAR Northwest’s fundraising history…ocean rowers love making records.  Bring cash and checks to invest in the raffle tickets, etc.

Just look at the list of raffle items and boat for sale!

Here’s a description of how your good funds support OAR Northwest’s mission: Education.