Expedition planning is what you do when dreaming of the reward. It’s somewhat masochistic at times, what with the staying up late beating your head against the keyboard, showering the fiberglass off your body as best you can, needing the boat in 3 places at once to finalize upgrades. All of this hand wringing suddenly gets joyous when the right pieces fall into place, before shifting out just far enough to keep us juggling virtual fireballs.

It’s not that bad… just feels that way at times. Here’s what’s up these days at the OAR Northwest pirate ship… how ’bout we start it off with an Outside Magazine photo shoot?
Greg perfects the art of actively falling out of the boat while the guys do their best fake laugh Outside Magazine finally said ‘yes’ to an article. Keep your eyes on the December issue!
- We’re real close to bringing a new technology sponsor on board to provide the best laptops and tablets for video, blogging, Facebook/Twitter updates, science, and education right from the middle of the ocean!
- Big thanks to Jerry Edwards, a Seattle marine surveyor, who conducted a full Condition & Valuation Survey on the JRH. A few updates & modifications, and we’re game-on to get the boat insured.
- Shipping is coming together slowly, as Seattle is far from Dakar. First, it’s being trucked to New Jersey to a warehouse. It then gets loaded into a 40-foot container and taken to a container ship at the port. From there the container is loaded onboard and makes it’s way across the Atlantic (the wrong way?) to Dakar. Once there, Jordan, Adam, Markus & Pat will be there to oversee it’s arrival and do final prep for the crossing.
- Dr. Ray Jarris is again joining the team to provide on-call medical expertise for us while on the ocean. In 2006 he helped create our medical kit, setup pre-trip medical screenings, and was available in the event we got to play ER docs underway.
- The optimum ocean rowers meal plan is nearly complete. Together with our sponsor Lifestyle Markets, Adam, Markus & Pat will have the best & most nutritious ocean rowing diet ever created.
- Jordan’s book, Rowing into the Son, delivers November 2nd. Pre-ordered yet?
- The non-profit administrative side of OAR Northwest is finishing up with filing year-end taxes. Have you donated recently? Have you donated at all? Please donate today!
- I know there are more, but those balls are in the air and hard to see at the moment…