CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 70: The food update

1,000 nautical miles to go We just finished our final full-ration of food the day before yesterday. Each full-ration day had 5,500+ calories of food for each rower. We now have 40 days of 3,500 calories per rower per day, and a healthy supply of left-over rations from our first 67 days at sea.  Our […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 63: The Conservation Conversation – Lessons in Relationship Management

I loved reading Jordan’s blog where he used our rowboat and its limited resources as a metaphor for conservation. Our boat, like the planet earth, has limited resources and we must plan, make assumptions about, and manage their use. Our planning, management and assumptions need to be made as a team. We are all in […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 57: Tools for teamwork – Part 2

Some of the nicest, most personable people I have met, grew up in large families that lived in a small space. Their personalities mesh easily within varying team dynamics and hard-to-tolerate teammates. Small spaces can often hold more love than large, sprawling mansions. Rowing across the ocean in a tiny rowboat is similar, and a […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 56: Tools for teamwork – Part 1

Four people in a small space under constant stress and strain. Unforeseen weather, broken equipment and general physical discomfort threaten our mood and ability to cooperate. How have we kept our crew morale up? Five concepts that have worked on board: Rose ‘n Thorn: Record and share your highlights and challenges of each day. This keeps the focus […]

CWF Africa to the Americas

Day 55: Keeping morale and mood on the ocean

People often ask how we keep ourselves motivated and driven on the ocean rowing boat. More so, how do we effectively deal with one another to ensure our team operates effectively and enjoyably. I plan to write a series of blogs outlining the tools and philosophies we embrace on this boat to ensure our interpersonal […]